Red Alder -- Alnus rubra
Throughout the forested land of the Pacific Northwest west of the Cascade Mountains, red alder (Alnus rubra) is one of the most important plants. Despite their importance, they are generally overlooked because there really isn’t anything particularly striking about them. In fact, most people either don’t think about them at all or consider them a weed, an unwanted and persistant presence invading a manicured garden. But it is this weed-like quality that makes them so important in the wild landscape. Red alders are workhorses, humbly fulfilling their ecological role. They are a pioneer species, growing quickly as a landscape resets after destruction. They make significant contributions, making life possible for others while taking advantage of the favorable but fleeting conditions under which they thrive. They are the driving force of renewal in the forest and without them these places would certainly be very different.
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